We're off for our 5 day adventure to the Seattle area!
We arrived at the hotel in the GHETTO last night. The drive in wasn't that bad - it actually felt a lot faster than it really was. Okay, we're not really in the ghetto, but it's not the Ritz, either. We're at a Motel 6 right off of I-5 and Military Road. We've certainly stayed in nicer places, but we've also stayed in a LOT worse. We can actually, you know, sleep under the covers. :-)
Gas prices are insane here. We filled up in Pendleton and stopped for lunch at the Wendy's as seems to be our tradition. We forgot that in Oregon you have to let them pump your gas. Thankfully, we only needed about half a tank. Fortified up with some Starbucks and headed back out. By the time we got to the hotel, we were riding on E, so we put another half tank in. we paid $4.30 for REGULAR. Hopefully we'll find nicer prices at a station further away from the freeway.
Well, after we got here, we basically checked in and left again. Straight over to George & Ashley's to visit. Their little girl is SO cute! I got to hold and feed Abby - she's not that fussy at all for being only a couple weeks old. Lil George was already in bed, but we're going up to Mt Rainier today so we'll get to see him later.
More to follow! We have no real plans. I think we're going out tonight (apparently George & Ashley have been waiting for us to go "party" which makes us feel like their alcoholic friends), but that's it as far as plans go. We're pretty much flying by the seat of our pants & for once in my life, I'm not freaking out that we have no clear plan. :-) I must be mellowing in my old age. Nick, I'm sure, just died from hysterical laughter.
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