Well, Nick is hard at work - finishing up his final project for school. Next week is his last week of classes for this quarter. One more quarter to go and he graduates with an Associates Degree! Then he goes back to school to finish out his Bachelor's program and then he'll finally get to put his hard earned degrees to work and I'll FINALLY have a sugar daddy. Hee hee.
Speaking of Nick, he's been submitting his resume like mad. His work is kind of giving him the shaft on his hours. They announced last week that his new schedule, effective March 1st, would be 12:30 pm - 9:00 pm. So, not only is that a CRAPPY schedule, but it interferes with school. He's submitted some paperwork to get his schedule changed, but there's no guarantee that they will. Hopefully he'll know more on Monday.
My work is going a lot better. It's still not my favorite thing in the world, but now that we have another person in the office, sharing the workload and that I can actually ask questions to - things are better. I'm feeling a lot more productive and less panicked than before.
A week from tomorrow we're Florida bound! We did a bit of shopping for our trip today, got some empty plastic containers for shampoo/conditioner, body wash and such. I've already made my list of things to make sure to pack. :-) I'm getting so excited! We haven't had a real vacation in awhile - I know last year we went to Seattle to visit friends, but that didn't feel like a vacation to me. This will be great, family & friends, fun & sun and the BEACH! I'm trying to think of a few "day adventures" Nick & I can take off and go do, so his family doesn't feel like they need to entertain us 24/7 while we're there. Susan told me of Downtown Disney near Disneyworld that she said was lots of fun. We've already done Disneyworld, and I really have no desire to go again - at least until we have kids to take, but the shopping sounds fun.
I also used up the last of my gift card that mom got me to Heritage Reflections today. I got the cutest little table runner and shallow bowl thing for the coffee table. I could spend hours in that store, dreaming and designing.
Okay, well, I thought I had a lot more to update, since it's been awhile since I blogged last. I guess not! This next week will be busy with me getting the house all clean (I have no idea why, but I always have to leave for vacation w/ a spotless house....I guess it's because I like to come home to a clean house and I can't do that unless I clean it before we leave) and starting to get our gear ready to go for our trip. We leave Sunday morning and get back Saturday night.
Ch-ch-check ya later kids!
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