Thursday, June 25, 2009


June 25th, 2005. 4 years ago.
The Place: Maple Valley Community Center, Maple Valley, Washington.
The Occasion: Our Wedding Day!
Friends and family gathered from near and far and even further away to help celebrate.
It was a gorgeous day:

Our journey didn't begin at the alter, however. Our story started a lot earlier. It started in 1997. He lived in Florida. I lived in Washington. Despite the miles, we made it work.
We've been faced with many difficulties, many challenges and hardships but balanced beautifully with opportunities, great fortune and good humor. We went from living at my mom's to our own apartment to buying our first little house. We made the decision to leave our cute little cottage in the woods (ha) and move to Idaho to be closer to family. It's provided Nick the opportunity to go to school. We've lost friends and made friends. We've seen San Francisco, Miami, Scottsdale, and Green Bay. We passed on a trip to Europe. We've had a nephew born and watched our nieces and nephews grow.

I'm proud of the man I married. He's willing to make choices that's aren't always easy, but are always right and good for us. He makes me laugh like no one else in the world. He puts up with my oddities and vice versa. He gets me through and through and hasn't run screaming for the hills yet. That says something.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I wish you guys many many more years of happiness!

  2. I was just showing the girls the pictures and Hannah said, as only Hannah can, "Man, Nick was HOT!"

    Too funny...I know you can just imagine the drama and intonation in her voice,too!!

    Soon to be, trying to be patient about it all, dying inside of excitement....Auntie Carin
