Life calmed down a little after the shower and Susan's trip out. Our September was pretty packed, I don't think there was a weekend in September that we didn't have something planned. October is getting off to a more laid back feeling. Nick started his new job on the 1st and so far seems to be enjoying it fairly well. I think it's a little boring for him at the moment, but the longer he's there and shows them what he can do, the more responsibility he'll be given. We are SO loving his new schedule. We're getting up at the same time, are pretty much home at the same time - we get to spend 3 out of 5 work nights together which is AWESOME.
Had another doctors appointment today and things are looking good! I didn't gain any weight this time (muahahahaha), my blood pressure is fantastic and Ben's heart is right where it's supposed to be. My heart, on the other hand is having a bit of a hiccup. For about the past week my hearts been beating funny - skipping a beat - so doctor is sending me over to a cardiologist some time next week and I'll probably have to wear a holter monitor again (did this before when I was in high school and my heart was doing it's weird racing thing - SVT, you can google it if you wanna). It's not a huge deal, she didn't seem super concerned, but she does want to know what exactly is going on and if it needs treatment.
Got a bit more work done on Ben's room. We found a dresser, got a tiny little book case (we'll build on it, it's part of a system that you can customize with the pieces you want, so we'll probably expand at some point), the crib mattress, changing pad and cover and some books. Next big ticket items to hunt down are the rocking chair (and I have my eye on a nice set from Wal Mart - really reasonably priced, got great reviews on the site (and mention in my Baby Bargains book) and it's free shipping if I have it set to the store) and the bedding. We have plenty of time and I'm sticking by my goal of having it done by the week before Thanksgiving. I'm dying, of course, to go buy everything right now but I know I have family that's planning on getting us stuff for his room closer to Christmas and if I get it all done right now, then what will I do until he gets here? It's more fun to spread it out and have fun along the way.
I'm also working on my goal of having all my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving. I say this every year and I never do but this year I really do have a good reason. I don't know when Ben will decide he's ready to come out and I don't want to try to shop hugely pregnant or end up having him before I can get all my shopping done. I have a couple of things bought already, so hopefully I'll reach my goal!
So that's about it as far as I can think. Nothing too terribly exciting, just more baby planning and gettin' on with life. :-) Hope it's going good for you!
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