Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Confessional.

I'm doing something way different here and I'm not only participating in an idea I saw on some one else's blog, but I'm going to link up to it. I've never done that before and I'm sure I'll do it wrong (ha ha) but it sounded like fun so I'm gonna give it a go.


I Confess:

That I straighten products on the shelves at random stores I'm shopping at. I can't make myself stop.

I Confess:

That when the baby monitor goes off in the middle of the night, some times I try to hit the snooze button on my alarm to make the noise stop.

I Confess:

That I judge you if you don't take the cart back to the cart return. Really? It's like 10 feet. Put your cart away.

I Confess:

That bloggers who apologize all over themselves for "poor photo quality" bug the crap out of me. Unless you are a professional photographer, no one is going to care if your lighting isn't "just right" - it's okay. To be honest, I never notice anything wrong with the photos that are being apologized for anyway.

I Confess:

That some times I feel like my sweet baby boy was abducted by aliens and in his place they left this whiny, cranky, temperamental toddler who confuses and annoys me a lot. Then I feel bad that I'm annoyed at him, cuz after all - he's just a baby.

I think that's enough for today. I'm gonna go attempt to link this bad boy up. :)


  1. Sarah I so agree with the carts. It isn't fair that your cart hits my car or someone else s because you couldn't walk a little further to put it away. Hate that! Glad you linked up. Have a great weekend.

  2. I like this post. :) And I followed the linky back to the other lady and now I'm totally intrigued by who those comment offender people are. I hate being so curious. :P

  3. I've rearranged a can good or two before. I also don't understand why people are SO lazy that they can't return a cart.

    I was LOLing at hitting the snooze button when the baby monitor goes off. Pretty sure I've done that a time or two!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. oh my goodness i have done the same thing at the market. and all of my cans are "faced" in my pantry and refrigerator. if it is a sickness i don't wanna know the cure.

    and really is it too much to ask that the carts get returned? lazy people.

    the baby monitor thing is funny!

    thanks so much for joining in!! the more the merrier and i hope you come back and play again!

  5. i try 2 remeber 2 return my cart . but i hate going 2 the store.
