Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Just a little update from our house, inspired by one of my favorite bloggers - Marta Writes.

recently... I've been wanting a make over, specifically new hair. any one have any favorite stylists? I want something new and fresh.
recently... I've been using the library and loving it. I used to spend oodles of money on books I read once. Now I do that for free.
recently... I haven't really been blogging, other than about Ben, because there's so much going on in my life that touches others and I don't feel right sharing all of that with the outside world. I'm afraid if I blog, I might forget and start talking about things that I shouldn't. Like now. So moving on to the next...
recently... Nick's got a great opportunity lined up for him but it means we'll have to delay our trip to Florida. I'm super bummed about this but excited for his opportunity. While our trip might be delayed by a month or so, I think this new opportunity will give us the chance to travel a bit more often.
recently... our little boy is getting tons of teeth. I think he's up to 6 in various stages of poking through and this is making him a tiny bear. a tiny bear who bites.
recently... I've been thinking about Ben's 2nd birthday. I feel kind of silly thinking about it, because it's 5 months away but it'll be here before we know it.
recently... which means I've also been thinking about Halloween. :) I think he'll go trick or treating this year - so exciting!
recently... I've been using my Cozi calendar tons but I find if i don't also put the activity on the white board calendar I have behind my computer, I forget about it. Isn't that weird?
recently... we lost Nick's car and are down to just mine for the family. His check engine light came on and he bought the parts to repair it - his repair didn't work, so he took it to the shop. The fixed one thing only to find out there's transmission problems. So we basically gave the shop $700 for a useless car (not their fault and they deserve to be paid for their work but man it sucks). We haven't decided yet if we'll replace his transmission or just wait til we're able to afford a second car payment.
recently... Ben is also a tiny dancing machine (in addition to the tiny biting bear). I adore him.

I think that's enough for now. :)

1 comment:

  1. For hair...I see Darcy at Cardinales. It's on 4th and Main. She is magical. I heart her more than any stylist I've ever had. 342-5801 (Ext 205).

