Friday, September 16, 2011


These are some things I want to do but don't want to do on my own. Is any body (seriously) interested in being my buddy for any of these?
  • Taking a sewing class. I have a sewing machine and I have some basic knowledge of how to make it run, but I'd like a refesher class and maybe learn some new tips and tricks. I have so many projects I'd love to tackle (or finish) but I need some sewing machine help.
  • Take a cake decorating class. Fairly self explanatory.
  • Batch cook - either get together with a group and we pool our money to share the cost of the food and we all prep/cook at the same time or do a meal swap were you come with several batches of the same dish to swap. For example: 5 people come - you'd prepare 5 of the same dish (ideally freezer friendly) and swap with the others so you leave with 5 complete meals.
  • Christmas craft night. I have several projects on my "to do" list that would be fun to do as a group (like DIY ornaments, headbands, tee shirts, etc)
Anyway, those are just a few of the things I'd like to do but would love a friend (or friends) to do them with. Am I alone here or is any one else interested in these things as well?

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