I've never done a monthly wrap up before, but we had so much fun in our October, I want to make sure I don't forget a moment.
- celebrating my dad's birthday {a few days late}
- participating in a recipe exchange {must do this again}
- enjoying the scarecrow stroll at the botanical gardens
- breaking my camera lens at the botanical gardens {so no pictures :( }
- moved my granny out of one apartment and into another
- discovering the discovery center {all over again}
- visiting the pumpkin patch
- attending a cake decorating class
- partying with family for Emma's birthday
- winning scariest costume at my mommy group halloween themed bunco
- taking Ben to Boo at the Zoo
- first time trick or treating!
Sounds like you guys had so much fun last month. October is a super busy month for us too, but its my favorite. I love fall. Your little boy is adorable! Oh, and I'm Amanda by the way. :)