In any case, here are how things are cooking this time around:
I am: 17 weeks, 3 days at time of posting
Baby is: approximately 5" crown to rump and about 5 ounces. This is roughly the size of a turnip. I don't have any turnips, so I demonstrated (below) with a can of soup. :)
Total weight gain: 1 pound
Maternity Clothes: broke out the stretchy waist jeans last week
Sleep: not so great. it's not necessarily getting up to pee, I'm just not super comfortable. This does not look great for the future...
Cravings: Spaghetti, but that's died off some. I can't really think of anything I'm always wanting to have.
Best moment this week: Starting to feel some movement!
Worst moment this week: I vomited twice. Ugh. The problem is, I wake up at like 3:00 or 4:00 raging hungry. By the time I finally get out of bed around 7:00ish, my body is in a panic for food. If I don't feed it ASAP, oh man.
Movement: starting to feel some flutters. I don't really remember Ben at this stage, but I want to say this baby isn't as active.
Gender: too soon to tell. 3 more weeks!
Labor signs: nope! (and thank goodness!)
Belly button in or out? it's in. It never popped with Ben so I don't imagine it will this time, either.
What I miss: Nothing really, just still questioning my sanity at having a 2 & 1/2 year old and a newborn...
Milestones: felt movement!
And here is some photographic evidence that I am indeed, not just uber fat. There's a tiny person in there, wreaking havoc.
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