With our tax return money this year, I earmarked some money to spend on redoing our room. The main chunk of that budget was for materials for the bed. My friend Jamie posted a link to the Knock Off Wood blog ages ago (and she's since changed the name of her blog) and got me all inspired, which in turn, inspired this post (there are some older before pictures there as well).
Our room is a work in progress, hence the reason for "Part 1" in the title. Right now we just have the bed finished, the wall it rests against painted, new curtain rods & curtains (and my first attempt at new-sew curtains - I may never buy curtains again) and some shelving up above the bed.
On with the pictures. Here are some befores (these are actually about a year old - the space changed slightly since then - the area to the right of the dresser held a small fold up table and all my crafting crap and we got rid of the bed skirt...but for the most part, all the same):
And now for some afters:
I found the most adorable green polka dot fabric at Joanne's (and used my 50% off coupon) for the material for my curtains. A bit of ironing and some hem tape called it good. I plan to make them a bit more substantial by adding a backing of a plain white flat twin sheet.
I didn't take pictures of above the bed yet. Right now we have a large framed print of the three of us from our October photo shoot with Ckg Photography and two shelves in graduated sizes (from the Hobby Lobby during a 50% off sale). I plan to get two more shelves in matching sizes to place on the other side. I ordered a canvas from The Canvas People (half off with free shipping! score!) that will be here on Tuesday-ish that I plan to display as well.
Next we need to find some bedroom furniture to replace what we took out. It's for sale on Craigslist right now (if you happen to know of any one that needs some... ha ha) so as soon as that gets sold, or when we get our tax return from Idaho, we'll get that furniture bought (or maybe I'll finally buy a new dryer so I don't have to hang my crap up to dry like I live in the 1800s...but that's a story for another day). I'm thinking I'd liked to score some either thrifted or Craigslist finds for the furniture, rather than buy brand new. Maybe we can upgrade our big old huge tube TV to one of those nice flat screen ones... maybe one day!! :)
So that's where we are for now! I have some extra material from the curtains and some pillow cases that came with the bedding (we buy king sized bedding for our queen sized bed because both Nick & I are cover hogs - the king bedding comes with HUGE king sized shams - I don't have any king sized pillows) that I plan to make into some toss pillows for the bed and I've decided to go ahead and paint the whole room, rather than just the wall the bed rests on.
I'm linking this post to the Weekend Wrapup Party at Tatertops & Jello: