Monday, September 10, 2012


Ben started preschool this morning!  I was nervous he wouldn't be able to go - he spent most of Sunday saying he didn't feel well.  I don't know how much if it was truly not feeling well (he had some tummy troubles through out the day and a low fever that evening) and how much of it was being nervous about today.  We even went and had a picnic lunch that day and he spent more time voluntarily laying down on the blanket than playing at the park. 

But up and off we went this morning.  He was a little unsure at first, I could tell he wasn't that interested in going but I got him excited to wear his back pack and showed him the sign (free printable from I Heart Nap Time) I printed off for him and he was excited to run out and take pictures before we left.

I was afraid one or both of us would cry when it was time for mommy to leave (he had said "I want mommy to go" before we left the house), but he did great.  We found his cubby and put his backpack away and then the teacher led him outside where they were playing while they waited for the rest of the class to show up.  I barely got a hug out of him before he was off and playing - which is great!

They have cameras in the room and I peeked in a few times.  I grabbed a screen shot of him having snack - it's not the best quality so I circled him in red.  I'm so weird, I know.  The other times I looked in, he was playing and then they were having story time while another teacher set out lunch.

The teacher told me what a good boy he was - no potty accidents (YAY!) and she was impressed by how polite he was, how well he listened, how well he took turns & shared and how smart he was.  I'm so proud of my little boy (and us!  we worked hard to get him to have good manners and good listening).

He's excited to go back on Wednesday and I'm excited for him!  What fun this will be!!

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