I am: 29 weeks, 4 days
Baby is: according to Babycenter, he should weigh about the same as a butternut squash (2 1/2 lbs) and is about 15 inches from head to heel
Total weight gain: According to my last OB appointment, I was down the 2 pounds I had gained. Then I got sick. So I'm guessing I lost more weight...
Maternity Clothes: yep. I bought 2 new pairs of pants to take with me to Florida and I only end up wearing one of them.
Sleep: depends on the night. my body enjoys this game: wake up with excruciating cramps in my left leg. exit bed to stand on said leg in an attempt to alleviate the pain. bladder says "oh.. hey... since you're up, I have to pee". Then mouth says "well, you know... since you're up... I'm thirsty"... but thankfully that doesn't happen every night.
Cravings: milkshakes. I've been getting fairly consistent heartburn after pretty much everything I eat (or if I wait too long between meals) and milkshakes sound good to put out the fire in my throat.
Best moment this week: discovering Sonic will mix milkshake flavors. chocolate banana - yay!
Worst moment this week: I was super sick over the weekend. pretty much tossed my cookies all day on Friday and half the morning on Sunday.
Movement: extreme amounts. this kid is making up for all the times I said "he's so quiet - that must mean he's a good sleeper"
Gender: boy
Labor signs: thought I was having Braxton Hicks on Friday but I really think it was my stomach warning me of the upcoming gastrointestinal theatrics
Belly button in or out? still in, but oddly enough - the scar from my gall bladder surgery has moved. it used to be right in my belly button, now it's like an inch above it.
What I miss: having energy.
Milestones: we've entered the 3rd tri since my last baby update post. I passed my glucose test - yay! I'm starting, slowly but surely, to do some work on the guest room/nursery. oh and we picked a name. well, the first name anyway. we aren't 100% on the middle. I think we'll keep it a surprise for now. ;) oh and I picked a theme for the nursery. The nursery that's still a disaster area.
Here's my list of plans that I need to do - this seems as good a place as any to keep track of what I need to do:
- clean out closet
hanging clothes to charity or master closetsort through extra blankets - move those we're keeping to hall linen closet, rest to yard sale pilesort through games - keep only those we actually play, rest to yard sale pilefind a new home for out of season household decor (garage?)old TV to charity- box of misc glassware - sort what to keep (and move to new home - hutch?) and what to sell
wrapping paper, gift bags, bows & tissue paper - need a new home (move to hall closet)other misc crap - sort through what to keep (and figure out where to store) and what to get rid of (trash vs yard sale)-
clean out dresser - misc wrapping paraphernalia once empty, move to master bathcard table - clear off, fold up and move to garage- rocker -
decide if going to recover orget rid of. trunk -sort through itemsand move to living room- curtains - yard sale
- b and w photos on wall -
take down, possibly re-frame and move to another wall in the house other decoration tchotchkes on the walls - remove, decide what to repurpose and what to sell- nightstand:
lamp - yard salesmall hat box - yard sale- stain to use in nursery
- get twin bed from dad's house for guest bed
- sell wicker headboard (
list on Craigslist) queen mattress/box springs - sell (listed on Craigslist)- Paint (one of the blues from paint chip - chair rail or wainscoting/board & batten?)
- clean carpets (or remove and replace with snap together laminate flooring)
assemble crib- sort through Ben's old clothes/toys and put away
- find and purchase changing table/dresser
make or order bedding (PBK's Madras bedding)get crib mattress and bumper- fill room up with other adorable baby gear
- bring home baby and be done with this planning nonsense :)
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the Madras bedding from PBK that I heart |
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