Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hello Again!

Well hello since 2014!  I was a little surprised that
1) I remembered my blog address
2) it's been FOUR YEARS since I last blogged!

Most of you who will bother to read this know what my life has been up to since then.  For my own sense of posterity (and because I like the sounds of my fingers clacking on the keys), here's a sum up.  In 2014, I stepped up and took over my local mom's group.  We were a group of 6-800 (I think?) women from all backgrounds, in all stages of life.  It was an exciting and tiring journey.  I ran the group with a core of really amazing women for 2 years before passing on the reins.

Ben started kindergarten in 2015 (holy cow) and I became very involved in the PTO at school.  I came off of running the mommy group and into the PTO board at his school.  Through a series of very wild and bizarre circumstances, I ended up taking over leadership of the group when he started 1st grade.  Again, what an exciting and tiring journey that was!  I had a lot of fun learning more about his school, becoming friendly with the staff, and growing myself as I navigated a good sized non-profit.  Matthew started kinder in 2017 with Ben's kinder teacher (which was so much fun!).

Goodness, 4 years is most of Matthew's life.  A lot has changed!  The biggest over all change is we no longer live in Idaho.  In March of 2018 we came down to Florida for a family vacation, doing our second Disney Cruise.  Watching the cousins play so amazingly and wanting to give our kiddos a taste of that family, we decided we'd just move here.  Nick's job is so flexible, he can work anywhere there's access to internet and the airport.  I don't work and had finished my term on the PTO so I didn't really have any obligations tying me to Idaho (other than my own family).  We felt the boys were young enough that a move would be fairly easy at this age to adjust to.  Quick bam boom, we had our house listed and sold by mid July and were in a new house in Florida just before the new school year started.

We said goodbye to our pets: Sadie passed, then Frenchie, and then Kitty got out and got lost and we never found him again.  In the midst of all that, we added Goldie the Goldfish to our family and then adopted Jett the cat from the Humane Society.  Shortly after we arrived in Florida, we accidentally killed the fish (he was the BEST traveler in our 4 day trip across the country!) when we filled his tank with nasty Florida water.  We bought a new fish, Phasma the Goldfish and just recently adopted a puppy!  Max the yellow lab / German shepard mix.  Puppies are hard y'all.

Photo Credit: Emily Sparks Photography

Well, that's a thumbnail into the last 4 years.  Maybe I'll keep this little blog of mine a little more current!

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