Welcome to Ben's blog! He has no idea but is absolutely thrilled! :-)
I wanted to create a friendly place to update you to his daily (or weekly, depending on what he's up to) shenanigans. He's growing so much and trying new things every day and I know some of you could just eat up every little detail! I'm going to keep this separate from FB, so keep your yes open for new posts!
Today Nick, Ben, my dad & I headed out to Ann Morrison Park for the annual Boise Beer Fest (I was the DD - lucky me!). Ben did fairly well, he was a bit clingy and wasn't interested in sitting in his stroller but that's okay. He played in the grass and looked around at the different sites. He was in a fairly good mood, even after missing a nap and being up for nearly 4 hours!
I noticed recently (either yesterday or the day before) that you can actually see his bottom two teeth as they make their way up to the top of his gums. This isn't Ben, but here's an idea of what I'm talking about:

Now on this kid, you can see like all of his bottom teeth working their way up to the top of their gums. As far as I can see on Ben, I can only see the bottom two middle ones. It's kind of exciting but it's bittersweet. I am so unbelievably excited to watch him grow, but at the same time I want him to stay little forever :-) Of course, that feeling depends on when you ask me. If he's in the middle of a fit, I can't WAIT for him to grow up. HA
Anyway, aside from the teeth, Ben's trying out all sorts of new foods. Mostly just larger of what he's been eating - I'm trying to encourage him to try feeding himself. He really enjoys cut up orange pieces and cut up avocado (but doesn't really like it smashed...maybe it's the texture?). This morning I gave him little torn up bits of toast which he really liked, especially dipped in yogurt. He tried some honeydew melon that he wasn't too keen on, but it wasn't the greatest melon. It could have been more ripe.
He's getting really great at his crawling - still more of an army crawl/inch worm than a traditional "up on all fours" crawl - which is both a lot of fun and super annoying. LOL he loves things like cords and Sadie's food/water dishes and pretty much all the stuff he isn't supposed to have. He's figured out how to get out of his Bumbo chair, so now I just let him play on the floor while I make his food (but I have to move Sadie's water & food out of his reach, first!).
He's such a great kid, he really is. He smiles and laughs so much and is excited to try new things and go exploring. He makes every day an adventure and I couldn't ask for more!
Well, I think that's it for Ben's inaugural post. Standing in the sun all day at Beer Fest really took it out of me and I'm pooped. More later!
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