Well, we're back from our whirlwind trip. It was quite an adventure! Saturday morning we got up early and headed to the airport. We made it through the ticket counter and security just fine, no issues (other then Ben peed on me, but that was my fault for not making sure he was positioned right within his diaper - so I ran to change him before we got on the plane and missed our special family boarding and had to sit in the very back). He did super well on the flight, he looked out the window, played, ate and napped. After we got checked in to our hotel, we had lunch, met up with Carin, Hannah & Emma and then went over to the stadium to watch the teams do their ESPN promos. Then we came back to the hotel and Ben played in the pool. Then we got all changed and headed to the game. They lost. :( But they gave it a good run and I'm VERY proud of all they accomplished. After that it was dinner, met up with the baseball gang at their hotel for a bit of celebration and back to our hotel to sleep. We got up Sunday morning, got all packed up and headed back out to the airport.
Tomorrow my little boy will be 8 months old. It's hard to believe how much he's learning every day and to look back at how teeny tiny he was when he was first born to the sturdy little boy he's becoming. So much change coming ahead! From talking and teeth to walking and running to injuries and first days of school....
In the more immediate future, I've scheduled another little photo shoot for him towards the end of October. I love Carissa's photography, so we're going to go to a pumpkin patch and have some pictures taken. I've ordered the sweetest little hat for him to wear. :-)
I'm so excited for fall. For bundled up walks around the neighborhood, pulling Ben around in a wagon. Seeing him take his first steps. Gathering with the family for Thanksgiving and getting to watch Ben experience all those foods for the first time. I'm excited to make family crafts out of fallen leaves and pine cones. I'm excited for winter, for laborious walks through the snow, making snow angels and having him "help" to make a snow man. I'm excited for his first Christmas (and even the part where he may potentially destroy my Christmas tree) and starting our family traditions - baking cookies for Santa and waking up early Christmas morning to see what Santa left by the tree. I'm excited for his first birthday and have already started mentally planning what we'll do and who will be able to come.
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