Sunday, August 22, 2010


{12/21/2011: This was originally posted on a blog I started just for Ben. I no longer keep up with that blog, so I'm moving them all over to this one}

Well, we tried to take Ben to the fair today. Unfortunately, we had some nasty windstorms last night that knocked power out to the fair and they didn't have it restored when we got there, so the fair was still closed. They opened later in the day, but we already had afternoon plans so maybe Nick can sneak away from work a little early and we can hit the fair before he goes to school. The weather today would have been perfect for it, tomorrow will be slightly warmer and the rest of the week may be too hot for standing around in the sun.

This afternoon we all gathered at my parents house to have a celebratory dinner for Connor's accomplishments with Little League. Jamie was sick and couldn't come. The girls had a good time chasing Ben around the living room while the adults visited. They start school this week - it's hard to believe that Connor is starting junior high (and will be a TEENAGER in March!!!) and Emma's ready for kindergarten. Time really does fly on by...

We dismantled Ben's Exersaucer and transformed it into an activity table. He's at a transition phase with it right now - he's too big to sit in the Exersaucer any more but he's not big enough to stand and play unassisted. He did pull himself into a standing position while sitting on my lap by grabbing hold of the Saucer and pulling himself up. He'll be standing on his own and walking before we know it!

I added some links and a little list to the right of the blog. We're certainly not asking for you to run right out and buy him presents, but wanted to let you know what sorts of things he's wearing or toys we think he might enjoy playing with, should you ever be thinking of getting him something but aren't sure what he needs. :-) I'll keep updating the list as he grows into new sizes and as we get closer to his birthday and Christmas.

I can't decide what I want to put him in for Halloween. Do any of Ben's readers have any suggestions for your favorite baby costumes?

Believe it or not - but I didn't take any pictures of him today! Shocking! So I leave you with this cute one from a week or so ago when we went to the park:

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