Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Getting Back To Basics

I just saw this Allstate commercial on TV and it totally inspired me.

Enjoying the small things and getting back to basics are key phrases in times like these. I'm fortunate enough to not have been too greatly affected by these tough financial times - Nick and I both have maintained our jobs and are able to keep up with our bills. We own a home and 2 cars. Money is often tight, but we're making due with what we have. Many of our close family members are not as fortunate and are absolutely left reeling in these times.

I get a little tired of hearing the phrase "because the economy is so bad" and then I have to stop, take a step back. I am an insurance agent for a commercial broker. A lot of our small contractors aren't making it and are having to close their doors. The market that was seeing a softening trend is firming back up, and carriers are tightening their guidelines.

In any case, I've gotten off track. It is important to stop and smell the roses. Especially now, when so many things are uncertain and fragile. Things are on the cusp for great change, but not without work, not without set backs and not without sweat. Things are likely to get a lot worse before they get any better, as the trend seems to go when working through problems. Taking time to stop and reflect on the things we are fortunate to have might just be the saving grace of getting us through these less than ideal times.

I don't typically make new years resolutions, I think I put in a previous post that I'm pretty much a constant work in progress. However, there are some goals for the 2009 year that I'm hoping to accomplish. I want to get back to doing things that I find pleasurable. Taking time to read. Singing (if only in my car - with no one else to hear, much to my family's annoyance), playing my piano. Learning how to make things by hand - making use of that infamous sewing machine I received as a birthday gift when I turned 15 (thanks, Mom!).

I need to get out and explore Idaho. I want to camp, hike, explore and enjoy nature. My dog would love it and it's good for all of us. And, for the most part, camping is free! Just the gas it takes to get to and from campsites.

I'm honest with myself and I know that there's lots I haven't done with my life that I wish I had done. I wish I had finished school. I wish I had taken time and explored the world and our fabulous country. However, the path I took lead me where I am and I have a pretty awesome deal. Had I finished school, who's to say if Nick & I would have made our long distance relationship last another 3 years? Had I gone off and explored the world, would he have come with me?

Anyway, I'm totally off topic. This happens all the time - I'm inspired by something and I log into blogger and then my thoughts just sort of flow all scattered. Oh well. :-) I guess my point was trying to take time and appreciate the little things you have that make you happy. It's hard to do when you're being forced to face pretty big challenges, but it just might make you feel a little bit least for a little bit. So, what kind of simple pleasures are you overlooking in your life? Are you letting the pressures of the day wipe out any feel good moments you have opportunity to enjoy?

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