Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yesterday. Today.

  1. FIRST DAY ACCIDENT FREE!!! We pottied at Tumble Time (twice). We pottied at the park. We pottied at home. We went for an hour long walk. We did NOT potty in our pants!!! WOO TO THE HOO!!!
  2. Ben prefers the pink M&M's (I got a bag of Easter M&M's). He will go for purple or blue after pink. I've not seen him take a yellow or a green one yet.
  3. I bought a crib today!
  4. I got my beautiful ICKY bag today. I'm very excited to start using it!
  5. Looking forward to the hair appointment I made today for next Thursday. Cut, color & a brow wax. Look out world, it's mama's first hair appointment since 2011! :)
  6. The Great Name Debate continues. This time on FB with input from lots of friends. Lots of good choices to mull over!
  7. Getting some fun nursery inspiration from the interwebs today. I especially enjoyed the organization in this nursery.
  8. SUPER HUGE fantastic day at Tumble Time with Ben. Like, maybe the best one ever. We had one tiny issue towards the beginning of class. I asked him if he wanted to go home. He said no. I pulled out my new weapon and said "well, your behavior says you want to leave. If you'd like to stay, show me behavior that says 'I want to stay'." And he did. Proud mommy moment.
  9. Not only was it a good TT day, but a good day over all. Only two time outs today (and neither one was due to actions against mommy). One was on our walk.
  10. Really looking forward to seeing the Hunger Games on Sunday. I hope it lives up to the hype!
  11. We're going to see Rain on Friday! So excited! We saw them years ago in Seattle and we've been looking forward to seeing them again some day ever since. Then they popped up in Idaho, so we're going! Yay, date night!


  1. Banana cream pie for dessert.
  2. NO ACCIDENTS so far today, but some one did wait til diaper @ nap time to go poo. Sigh.
  3. It's been a gorgeous two days. We are LOVING the outside play time!
  4. Have been pricing outdoor play grounds for our backyard. Holy. Crap.
  5. 20 days til FLORIDA (say that in your best Oprah voice. it's more fun that way).
  6. Severe back pain today. What. The. Crap.
  7. No Tumble Time next week. What will we do with our day?!?!?
  8. Lots of mommy nights next week. Insert guilty + excited feelings here.
  9. Starting to get some Sarah back. Today I actually felt like scrapbooking. I didn't, but I wanted to. ha ha, baby steps.
  10. Did I mention banana cream pie? I want some NOW.
  11. Send prayers to my friend Heidi. She's 34 weeks pregnant and struggling. She's not ready to deliver yet but her body isn't playing nice.

What's new with you?

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